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E-Mail System


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E-Mail System

With the help of the E-Mail System you can receive E-Mail for your domain and send E-Mail too.
The E-Mail system is capable of acting as:
Setup type 1 Full primary MX
We provide POP3 access to your mail and/or forwarding incoming mail to external mail addresses.
E-mail addresses inside the domain will be configured here.
We provide a SMTP server too, so you can send mail through our server.
The MX with the lowest numeric preference value is our server.
Setup type 2 Standard backup MX
We accept all mails for your domain in the case, your primary MX is inaccessible.
If your primary MX is accessible again, the mails will be sent to your primary MX.
We provide a SMTP server too, so you can send mail through our server.
Your primary MX has a lower numeric preference value than our server.
Setup type 3 Standard backup MX with target verification
We accept mails for your domain in the case, your primary MX is inaccessible.
If your primary MX is accessible again, the mails will be sent to your primary MX.
But we only accept mails, if the target E-Mail address is known to our mailsystem.
That means, you have to enter the E-Mail addresses, which we should accept as target E-Mail address.
We provide a SMTP server too, so you can send mail through our server.
Your primary MX has a lower numeric preference value than our server.
Setup type 4 Routing MX
We accept all mails for your domain.
The incoming mails will be routed to your own mailserver on a port of your choice.
We provide a SMTP server too, so you can send mail through our server.
The MX with the lowest numeric preference value is our server.
Setup type 5 Routing MX with target verification
We accept mails for your domain.
The incoming mails will be routed to your own mailserver on a port of your choice.
But we only accept mails, if the target E-Mail address is known to our mailsystem.
That means, you have to enter the E-Mail addresses, which we should accept as target E-Mail address.
We provide a SMTP server too, so you can send mail through our server.
The MX with the lowest numeric preference value is our server.
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last modification by Torsten 2024-10-17 05:18:15 german time
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