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Using the URL Redirection system
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You have a domain, in this HowTo we name it test.com.

You don't want to run your own webserver, but have webpages stored on another webserver.
Or you want to have a 'parking website' for your domain (without pages on another webserver).
In this HowTo we take as example http://www.test.com/

So let's first understand, how a browser shows a page.
- The user enters http://www.test.com in the browser.
- The browser finds the IP of www.test.com
- The browser connects to the server at the found IP at port 80 and asks for the website for www.test.com
- The webserver answers: with a webpage, or a redirect
- The browser shows the webpage or follows the redirect (to another webpage)

So we know, what to do now:
- Make sure, that the IP of www.test.com is the IP of the Redirection server
- instruct the Redirection server, what to answer for a request for www.test.com

The IP of the Redirection server is:
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last modification by Torsten 2024-10-17 05:18:15 german time
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