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Using your Hardware router to update an A record
We assume, you already registered the domain test.com at your registrar.
ns0.xtremeweb.de is the Primary DNS server for test.com
You want to run your own server on a dynamic IP.
This means, you have a DSL (ADSL) or a cable modem, where the IP changes.

Like all HowTo's: It's only a starting point.

Replace test.com with your own domain name.

If your IP changes, the IP of www.test.com should change too.

Many routers support a DDNS (dynamic DNS) feature.
If the public (WAN) IP changes, the router updates itself the IP of an A record via a webinterface.

Without problems you can setup FRITZ! Box routers as they contain in the
DDNS section a selection of dynamic DNS providers, where you can select user defined.
Other hardware routers may work too, for example some Speedport routers do fine too.

First let's setup gratisdns.de:
You see there 3 A records, now click on More functions.

Next change the expire time to for example to the year 2017.
Remove the right to update all A records (optional step).

If you removed the right to update all A records, you have to add afterwards the right to update a specific A record, in our example www.test.com

Now you have the uid, password and hostname we need later while configuring the router.
Leave this browser window open (so you can later cut and paste).

Now let us configure the router:

1. DDNS Provider -> Choose user defined/costum
2. Update-URL -> dip.gratisdns.de/nic/update?hostname=<domain>&myip=<ipaddr>
3. Domainname -> The hostname / A record you wish to update (in our example www.test.com)
4. Username -> This is the uid from above
5. and 6. -> This is the updatesecret from above

Please note, that the syntax of field 2 depends of your router !
Please consult the manual of your router for substitution methods.
In example the Fritz!Box itself substitutes <domain> with the A record you enter in field 3.
and <ipaddr> with the current IP, which you got from your ISP

Save your settings, and see, if it works.
© www.gratisdns.de Realisation by Xtreme Webdesign   Imprint / Impressum   Política de Privacidade  
Link to this page via https://www.gratisdns.de/w/plugin/lang/pt/what/howtousingroutertoupdateip/
last modification by Torsten 2024-01-10 20:47:17 german time
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