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Système DNS
Redirection d'URL
Système E-MAIL

liste d'information
Conditions d'Utilisation
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Terms of Use

Terms of Use (Outdated now)

The services are provided by Xtreme Webdesign Fa. T. Müller (XWD)

If you don't agree with these terms of use, don't use the services XWD provides.

The services are provided "as is", without any warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantibility or fitness for a particular purpose. XWD shall not be liable for any claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising from or related to either your use of the services. XWD does not warrant or review the accuracy of any DNS or other information related to the services.

XWD will not accept, that users take our resources or use this service to support things, that are against german or international law or against the ethic conventions of XWD.

Ethic conventions of XWD are in example: no child porn, no SPAM support, no fascism, no rascism ...

For abuse messages use the Forum or abuse@xtremeweb.de (only for abuse messages) or our faxline +49 3928 842880

You are allowed to resell service(s) you get from XWD.
All users, which want to stay longer here, should get donationpoints. With donationpoints you refinance this service.
Donationpoints can't be refunded to you. Zones,redirects and other service entries, which have less than -180 donationpoints, will deleted from the system.
Inactive useraccounts (which have no zone/redirect/...) will be deleted after 180 days.
All users should keep their email intact. After 100 mailbounces within in a year the useraccount will be deleted.
You should subscribe to the gratisdns-announce mailinglist to get urgent informations regarding this service.

If you use the DNS Service,
The Refresh, Retry and Time-To-Live (TTL) values must be set to reasonable values which do not cause undue loads on our servers.
If XWD serves zones on a primary nameserver, XWD includes TXT and RP records, which also include your e-mail to give other internet users a chance to send abuse messages to the right person.

Terms of Use Version 2004-01-25
You can view the older Terms of Use here
© www.gratisdns.de Realisation by Xtreme Webdesign   Imprimer / Impression   Politique de confidentialité / Protection des données  
Link to this page via https://www.gratisdns.de/w/plugin/lang/fr/what/termsofuse-2006-10-13/
last modification by Torsten 2024-01-10 20:47:17 german time