These pages are intended to help webmasters and other internet users. The project started in the spririt of other
internet services like http://www.granitecanyon.com.
Since 2001 my servers provide (in my opinion) stable services for the internet community.
So what services do i offer ?
- Independant DNS nameservers on different networks and locations
- Webinterface for managing zones on the primary DNS server ns0.xtremeweb.de
- Update of A records (with your dynamic IP ?) on ns0.xtremeweb.de with scripts or programs
- URL redirection service to redirect HTTP requests to other URLs (cloaking and passing variables to the target URL possible)
- Powerful E-Mail system, which can act as full primary mailserver (including POP3 access), backup mailserver, special mailserver, SMTP server
When do you need my service ?
- If you run your own DNS server and need reliable secondary DNS
- If you need DNS servers to register a domain
- If you have a dynamic IP and want to run services on your home machine
- If you have registered a domain and want to host your pages on a free webhost (like geocities.com)
- If you only bought your domain name and want E-Mail for your domain too
- If you want a backup mailserver
How much does this all cost ?
Having an account here is free. However i always wanted, that the service will be a refinancing service.
So i decided to force my users to get donationpoints by making a donation, if their service entries are for longer here.
This means, if you want to test my service out, just do it for free. If you want to stay, you have to donate. If you
do not like my service, delete the account and everything is fine. If you want to learn more about the donationpoints
and the Donation System, click here
If you have questions, please use the mailinglist.
Sometimes i am online for a "personal support-chat" via ICQ. My ICQ number is 121839936.
Greetings Torsten